Monday, March 4, 2019

Day 3

Day 3
Jacumba to Calexio

52.2 miles;  Total miles: 133.9
Time 3:32:32
Ave speed 14.7
Max speed 40.7
Elevation loss 3605 ft
Ave temp 70
Max temp 86
Conditions: Started cool but sunny; beginning of the downhill was fun until the cross winds; which made this one of the scariest rides I have ever had. Once on the flat it was sunny with a tail wind

First Sag stop

First Sag stop

First Sag stop

Bubba's RV

Sag stop

Sag stop with Ernie on the L (my roommate)

School where we are staying the night w/ the "Wall" on the right

Laundry collection
my laundry

my kit and bed for the night
the school where we stayed

"The Wall" across the street from the School

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