Sunday, May 1, 2022

Day 52 C2C 2022 Oleno St Park to Palatka

 May 1, 2022

Day # 52

Oleno St Park to Palatka

Day 52 2022

Oleno St Park to Palatka

80.25 miles total miles 2856

Time 5:49/ 7:18

Ave speed 13.8

Max speed 21.2

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 1135 /   1112 / 23/ 165 

Min temp 61

Ave temp 83

Conditions: Clear sky, 60°F, Feels like 59°F, Humidity 87%, Wind 3mph from ESE. The day warmed up and when in the sun it was hot. Winds were not a problem today 😀

Notes: This was a was another long day on the saddle, but the ride was flat with essentially no wind. Of the last ~15 miles was on a bike path that was wide and flat. Out last over night stop is a motel in Palatka.

Sam, Rosie, and son of Sam
Interesting hay field
Halfway left
Halfway right

Halfway ahead
Halfway behind
The three what ever at the Subway food stop

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