Saturday, April 30, 2022

Day 51 C2C 2022 Live Oak to Oleno St Park (Ft White)

 Apr 30, 2022

Day #  51

Live Oak to Oleno St Park

Day 51 2022

Live Oak to Oleno St Park

55.57 miles total miles 2775

Time 4:21/ 5:51

Ave speed 12.8

Max speed 23.2

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 1010/ 984/ 26/ 193

Min temp 66

Ave temp 82

Conditions: Started with a warm morning; getting warmer but n red very really hot. Head winds were again a problem but only minor. 

Notes: Beautiful somewhat easy day of riding It got warmer but never too hot; the roads were good with a few minor hills. The head winds were minor , but existed 😡. The end point was a very nice state park (Oleno St Park). You got to see the unsoiled north Florida in the park. The past days we have been in the Florida " Spring Country ".

Two days left and a little over 100 miles.

Rider Dr. John cracked his carbon top tube yesterday and with my suggestion he made a splint from two metal strips, epoxy and duct tape, This repair seems to be working and should last for the last two days.  
Halfway left
Halfway right
Halfway ahead
Halfway behind
Florida has had the best ditch wild flower (they leave Texas in the dust in this regard)

Cow resting in the shade under a live oak tree
Mail boxes around here often face the ditch instead of the road---you can see the mail vehicle tracks in the ditch. 
Large dead tree

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