Monday, April 11, 2022

Day 32 C2C 2022 La Grange to Navasota

Apr 11, 2022

Day #  32

La Grange to Navasota

Day 32 2022

La Grange to Navasota

69.21 miles total miles 1678

Time 5:10/ 6:40

Ave speed 13.3

Max speed 35.1

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2428/ 2444/ -16/ 521

Min temp 70

Ave temp 79

Conditions: Warm (70) upon getting up; light thunder storm before the start; just made things slightly wet. Overcast most of the day with strong crossing tail wind, occasionally became a head wind for the short periods of time we were head more south than east.


more wild flowers
Even more wild flowers
Halfway left
halfway right
cows and ponies
The ruins of the original Baylor University
Plaque for the Baylor ruins

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