Monday, April 4, 2022

Day 24 C2C 2022 Sanderson to Comstock

 Apr 3, 2022

Day #  24

Sanderson to Comstock

Day 24 2022

Sanderson to Comstock

81.45 miles total miles 1210.60

Time 7:41/ 9:47

Ave speed 10.6

Max speed xx27.3

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2707/ 3862/ 1155/ 2822

Min temp 57

Ave temp 87

Conditions: clear and cool at the start; mild winds becoming terrible!!!!!!

Notes:The most brutal ride I have ever done. 20-30 mph head winds; need I say more!!!! Had to pedal downhill just to keep up 10 mph. Most of the ride (as you can see form the profile below was down hill. You will not find any in the group that believe that!!!!!!! As I said the most brutal but not the most miserable; cold wet rides I have been on are more miserable.

yard "art" store in Sanderson

Halfway left
Halfway right
SAG 2/4
SAG 3/4 Judge Roy Bean State Park
Pecos River Gorge from the west side of the bridge  
Pecos river
long view of the gorge looking north
More of the gorge

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