Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Day 40 C2C 2022 St. Francisville to Franklinton

 Apr 19, 2022

Day # 40 

St. Francisville to Franklinton

Day 40 2022

St. Francisville to Franklinton

86.66 miles total miles 2146

Time 6:43/ 8:39

Ave speed 12.8

Max speed 25.4

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2838/ 2995/ 43/ 356

Min temp 50

Ave temp 71

Conditions: Chilly to start; then cool finally becoming mild. Light to moderate head winds most of the day.

Notes: Long mile day of rolling hills. Stopped to talk with Bubba's friend Earl (at mile 38) It was a pleasant ride but nothing exceptional. Our last night in Louisiana.

Pat Decker from 2020 Coast 2 COVID
Earl (Bubba's friend)
Halfway left
Halfway right
Hatfield's Country Store (McCoys welcome)
Pat Man with his Bday cake
Tonight's set in the Baptist gym

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