Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Day 34 C2C 2022 Navasota to Shepherd

Apr 13,2022 

Day #  34

Navasota to Shepherd

Day 34 2022

Navasota to Shepherd

88.83 miles total miles 1767

Time 6:08/ 8:03

Ave speed 14.5

Max speed 33.9

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2848/ 2828/ 20/ 395

Min temp 72

Ave temp 75

Conditions: Overcast with a threat of rain to begin; occasional sprinkles; mostly tail wind. The final 20 miles it began to

sprinkle ; the final 15 mile was light to moderate rain with hail (small size- first time I can remember riding in hail)

Notes: The ride was generally easy with rolling hills; the final 15 was mostly downhill abate in the rain and hail.

Chuck Norris's ranch
if you can see them ---Horse sculpture
Halfway left (Lake Canroe)
Halfway right
Lisa S&L taking a selfie
SAG at the Honey cafe
SAG at the Honey

Big Cow

1 comment:

  1. I’m enjoying your blog! Haven’t read Lynn’s yet but plan to do that next. Stay safe!😊🚴
