Sunday, April 10, 2022

Day 31 C2C 2022 Lockhart to La Grange

 Apr 10, 2022

Day #  31 The day of Texas wild flowers

Lockhart to La Grange

Day x 2022

Lockhart to La Grange

61.42 miles total miles 1609

Time 4:49/ 6:07

Ave speed 12.7

Max speed 28.6

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2129/ 2339/ -210

Min temp 59

Ave temp 79

Conditions: Clear becoming over cast. Mild to warm starting becoming warm and humid. We are not in the desert any more.

Notes: Much warmer this morning. Strong cross winds develop during the day. The road were generally very good with the occasional rough spots. Copious wild flowers along the road.

First SAG
Indian Paint Brush flowers
Where Toto
more wild flowers
Charcoal Company
more wild flowers
field of Blue Bonnets (or as us Yankees call them Blue Bells)

Blue Bonnets
Court House in La Grange 

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