Sunday, April 17, 2022

Day 38 C2C 2022 Mamou to St. Francisville

Apr 17, 2022 

Day # 38

Mamou to St. Francisville

Day 38 2022

Mamou to St. Francisville

92.71 miles total miles 2059

Time 6:46/ 8:18

Ave speed 13.7

Max speed 27.3

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 1063/ 866/ 177/ 240

Min temp 72

Ave temp 82

Conditions:Started overcast and warm, becoming warm and humid. Generally good roads with major exceptions.

Notes: The biggest "hills" of the day were the bridges crossing the Atchafalaya and Mississippi rivers.

Although it was a long ride it was not that hard.

camp in the morning
Easter Church
First pelicans I have seen

500 year old live oak tree

Atchafalaya bridge
Atchafalaya basin (swamp) road
Atchafalaya swamp
more Atchafalaya road
Pointe Coupee museum sign 

Pointe Coupee museum
Mississippi Bridge

~halfway across the bridge
Old Muddy (south)

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