Thursday, April 28, 2022

Day 49 C2C 2022 Marianna to Tallahassee

 Apr 28, 2022

Day #  49

Marianna to Tallahassee

Day 49 2022

Marianna to Tallahassee

85.6xx miles total miles yy

Time xx

Ave speed xx

Max speed xx

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max xx/ yy/ zz/ aa

Min temp xx

Ave temp xx

Max temp xx

Conditions: Long day on the saddle ; some head winds aloft hills for Florida, some quite steep. It became warm to hot over the day

Notes: Not much to say about today other than it was a long day in the saddle. This was a relative hilly day considering we are in flat Florida. Crossing the Apalachicola River we entered our final time zone. This cause us to be an hour later to our over night site. The good news about that was we are stay in a Red Roof Inn. Only 4 more days of riding; about ~250 miles left.

Halfway left
Halfway right
Halfway right
About 10 of us stop at this Subway for lunch

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