Friday, April 8, 2022

Day 29 C2C 2022 Kerryville to Blanco

Apr 8, 2022

Day # 29 

Kerryville to Blanco

Day 29 2022

Kerryville to Blanco

59.13 miles total miles 1489

Time 4:44/ 6:28

Ave speed 12.4

Max speed 34.1

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max2664/ 2812/ -148/ 1703

Min temp 43

Ave temp 73

Conditions: Clear and cold when getting up (~39). Still cold to almost cool at the start at 8:00 am. Warmed up nicely during the morning with light winds; becoming somewhat windy in the afternoon; which at times was a head wind.

Notes: The beginning of the ride in the morning was very pleasant much of it down a side road with a lot of horse farms. The main part of the day was through Texas Hill Ranch country. A lot of rolling terrain.

Lunch was an interesting HonkyTonk call Hillbillyz of Texas. Stay at the Blanco State Park on the Blanco River tonight. The group has to drink their beer out of Solo Cups because no alcohol is allowed in the park.

SAG 1 in a city park

Long Horn in the road
Halfway left
Halfway right
Hillbillyz of Texas; note the stage in the back to the right

another stage pic
out building at Hillibillyz

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