Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Day 26 C2C 2022 Bracketville to Concan

 Apr 5, 2022

Day #  26

Bracketville to Concan

Day 26 2022

Bracketville to Concan

74.4 miles total miles 1359

Time 5:43/ 7:38

Ave speed 13.0

Max speed 33.6

Elevation 2198/ 1662/ 476 1672/

Min temp 62

Ave temp 88

Max temp HOT

Conditions: Started warm and got hot 🔥 90+   (RAGBRI weather)

Notes: Fairly long ride with no big hills. A lot of long rolling hills ; we are entering Texas hill country.

Ft Clark entrance; where we stayed last night
Ft Clark

A bridge we avoided by riding the wrong direction on the
 new span to the right you can not see.
Ranch entance
Halfway left
Halfway right
Texas hills
More Texas hills
The River Flio where we are staying tonight and tomorrow (rest day)

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