Thursday, April 21, 2022

Day 42 C2C 2022 Poplarville to Ocean Springs

 Apr 21, 2022

Day #  42

Poplarville to Ocean Springs

Day 42 2022

Poplarville to Ocean Springs

73.88 miles total miles 2265

Time 5:50/ 7:46

Ave speed 12.7

Max speed 26.1

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2018/ 2290/ -272/ 318

Min temp 64    

Ave temp 81

Conditions: started cool to warm; the day never got hot but warm and humid.

Head winds all day becoming strong during the last third.

Notes: Beautiful ride today through the Mississippi piney woods much of it in the

DeSoto National Forest. Strong head winds were tough on us near the end and

also the urban drive through Ocean Springs to get to our camp ground at the

Davis Bayous Area Gulf Islands National Seashore. Tomorrow's ride is to

Dauphin Island mostly along the gulf coast

Gate to horse farm
Zebra at another horse farm

Halfway left
Halfway right
Halfway down the road
SAG at a church
the rolling hills of the pine forest

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