Friday, April 29, 2022

Day 50 C2C 2022 Tallahassee to Live Oak

Apr 29, 2022

Day #  50

Tallahassee to Live Oak

Day 50 2022

Tallahassee to Live Oak

77.06 miles total miles 2720

Time 5:55/ 7:43

Ave speed 13.0

Max speed 24.6

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 1850/ 1742/ 108/ 205

Min temp 59

Ave temp 81

Conditions:Partly cloudy, cool at 60 warming to the low 80's. Minor head head wind problems again today, but overall pleasant riding conditions.

Notes:This was an "average" ride. There were head winds, but generally not serious; the same be said about the hills. The highlight. was Greenville; the birth place of Ray Charles. We are staying at a county fairgrounds and we got to watch the local horse group do some calf roping.

Three more days of riding. About 170 miles left.

Court House in Monticello
RC plaque 
Lynn with Ray
Me with Ray
Halfway left
Half way right
Halfway to the rear

The following is photos of the horse event at the fairgrounds


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