Sunday, April 10, 2022

Day 30 C2C 2022 Blanco to Lockhart

Apr 9, 2022

Day #  30

Blanco to Lockhart

Day x 2022

Blanco to Lockhart

59.13   miles total miles 1548

Time 4:49/ 6:07

Ave speed 12.7

Max speed 28.6

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2129/ 2339/ -210/ 607

Min temp 39

Ave temp 79

Conditions: Clear and COLD. It took a while to warm up. Mild winds to begin becoming strong cross winds.

Notes: At the start Lynn and I had to turn around and find a cage to get warm. We were way under dressed for the temp. After some coffee and food we were on the road; it was still cold to cool. It did warm rapidly, but the winds did start to cause problems.

Interesting gate sculpture 
Lunch at the Texas Pie Company (I had cherry)
First oil well that I have seen (or at least noticed on the trip)

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