Friday, April 15, 2022

Day 35 C2C 2022 Shepheerd to Silsbee

 Apr 14, 2022

Day # 35 

Shepherd to Silsbee

Day 35 2022

Shepheerd to Silsbee

58.89 miles total miles 1826

Time 4:29/ 5:43

Ave speed 13.1

Max speed 24.1

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 732/ 738/ -06/ 130

Min temp 54

Ave temp 74

Conditions: Clear and cool to start becoming sunning and warm. Mild winds which were often head winds. 

Notes: Relatively easy day. At the end of the day my brother and his wife pick Lynn and I up and we went to
the Honky Tonk Texas for a crayfish boil and live music (Jason D Williams).
My niece Cathy , her husband Kenny and daughter Tabby also showed up.

race at the over night camp ground

Star of David gate
Halfway left
Halfway right
Funky SAG/lunch stop
Truck at lunch stop
First refinery that I have seen 

Tonight's overnight facility 
Crayfish dinner
Lynn, my niece Cathy, her daughter and husband eating crayfish at Honky Tonk
The band at the honky tonk
My brother Steve and me
Sister in law Pam with Lynn

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