Monday, April 4, 2022

Day 25 C2C 2022 Comstock to Bracketville

Apr 4, 2022

Day #  25

Comstock to Bracketville

Day 25


Comstock to Bracketvill

74.06 miles total miles 1284

Time 7:01/ 8:58

Ave speed 10.5

Max speed 20.7

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 1673/ 1923/ -250/ 1636

Min temp 66

Ave temp 78

Conditions:Overcast but warm; first day not to use leg warms of any weight to begin the ride.

Notes: Started with strong head winds. These diminished throughout the day. Tough day, but nothing like yesterday!!!!!! About  1/3 of the riders SAGed to the bridge over the reservoir; but my "riding partner" on the tough days Lisa we did it all. She was with me for the worst part of yesterday's ride ---It was EFI for us on those two days.

BTW I am one of the few who have not had a flat so far------Tubeless all the way!!!!!

SAG  before being escorted of the reservoir bridge 

Halfway left (with Lisa's head)
Halfway right
I don't why I took this picture
Last SAG

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