Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 11 Tucson to Tombstone

Day 11 2020
Tucson to Tombstone
73.75 miles Total miles 576.95
Time 5:58:35
Ave speed 12.3
Max speed 34.4
Elevation gain/ loss/ net 3786/ 2329/ 1457/ 5135
Min temp 54 
Ave temp 70
Max temp 88
Conditions: cool at the start, long hard slog up hill with a head wind for first 35. Then strong tailwind for the last 35

The trip is being interrupted because overnight venues are being cancelled and the tour cannot move forward
I'm going a back to Tucson tomorrow and driving home with a fellow Coaster from Michigan 


  1. What a bummer!! -- Hopefully you enjoyed your first 10 days.

  2. Rick, what a shame. Safe travel home. Kathy & Steve

  3. That just plain sucks!! Sorry to hear it.
