Monday, March 23, 2020


March 23
The sag team gave several of us Coaster a ride back to Tucson.  I picked of a Mini Van and with the other Michigan Rick (Shanoski) we started our drive back to Michigan.
We made it to Santa Rosa, NM the first day, Fenton, MO the second and home the third.
Finding food was interesting as all restaurants were close for sit down seating, so we basically had to eat fast food in the car.
Rick's wife met us at my house where we transferred his bike and gear to their car and sad our good byes.
In all we put 2011 miles on the van on the trip back to Michigan

I did ride ~3.5 times as far as I did on last year's ride and made it out of California, but not out of Arizona.-----Oh well there is always next year(s).

  Some the Coasters that returned to Tucson for the trip home (Patrick, Larry, Rick, Lori, and Greg
The back of the van where we had our 2 bikes and gear bags

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