Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Day 4 Calexico to Yuma

Day 4 2020

Day 4
Mexicali to Yuma
65.35 miles total miles 198.27
Time 3:24:36
Ave speed 13.5
Max speed 28.9
Elevation gained/ lost/ net / max 1785/ 1047 /738/ 486
Min temp 54
Ave temp 66
Max temp 86
Conditions; rain to dizzle at the start; becoming partly cloudy to partly sunny w/ a light head wind.
Upon arriving at the over night spot it soon became a down pour of rain, but I was already inside and had my shower.

 Made it to mile 18; farther than last year
 Center of the World: look it up
 Downtown old Yuma

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