Monday, July 29, 2024

ALCAN 2024 Day 23 Fairbanks

July 28, 2024  26 miles
It's been a rainy 24+ hours and the temp is below 60 (at the beginning of this trip it was near 100 every day). Today is laundry and showers and the checking a few sites of Fairbanks. We went to Running Reindeer Ranch. Very interesting to walk with the reindeer. Took Zac to the Fairbanks dog park, where he had a great time running with several different dogs. Then was time to find a camp for the night. We found a spot about 10-15 miles north of Fairbanks, Olnes Pond State Rec Area. It has about 15 sites and we are 1 of 3 here. It's 10 pm and still bright outside (sunset 11, sunrise 4:30).

Museum of the North on the U of Alaska Fairbanks campus
more Raindeer
even more Raindeer

our campsite for the night

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