Thursday, March 31, 2022

Day 21 C2C Marfa to Marathon

Mar 31, 2022

Day #  21

Marfa to Marathon

Day 21 2022

Marfa to Marathon

56.7 miles total miles 1073.24

Time 4:03/ 4:58

Ave speed 14

Max speed 32.7

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 1073/ 1713/ 640/ 5079

Min temp 46

Ave temp 61

Max temp 81

Conditions: Clear and very cool to start with a little crossing head wind to start. The wind shift was to a strong tail wind.

Notes: We had to stop for about 30 minutes in Alpine because of a serious head on crash a few miles down the road. By the time we came to the crash they were still cleaning up the mess and boy was it a mess. After SAG #2 the wind shifted to the west giving us a strong tail wind coming into camp. As you can see from the picture below there were some strong gusts.

Marfa lights viewing area

Marfa lights viewing area
SAG #1
SAG #1
Lynn directing riders at SAG #1
Halfway North
Halfway south
University ag lab
Train at SAG 2
Laundry pickup
more laundry pickup
 oops  there goes the tents
"cabin Lynn and I are staying in the next couple of nights
Pat with some beer he never heard of
Dinner menu


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Day 20 C2C 2022 Van Horn to Marfa

Mar 30, 2022

Day # 20  Ride canceled do to high winds

Van Horn to Marfa

Day 20 2022. Ride canceled do to high winds

Van Horn to Marfa

xx miles total miles yy

Time xx

Ave speed xx

Max speed xx

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max xx/ yy/ zz/ aa

Min temp xx

Ave temp xx

Max temp xx

Conditions: Strong cross winds!!!!



Boarder Patrol Balloon
Sculpture outside Alpine, Tx Hospital----long story 
Sculptures near overnight site in Marfa
more Marfa art
more Marfa art
Karmann Ghias in Marfa
Classic hotel in Marfa
Courthouse in Marfa
Riders dancing in the overnight site

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Day 19 C2C 2022 Ft. Hancock to Van Horn

 Mar 19, 2022

Day #  19

Ft. Hancock to Van Horn

Day 19 2022

Ft. Hancock to Van Horn

72.92 miles total miles 1016.54

Time 4:44/ 6:25

Ave speed 15.3

Max speed 37.7

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2991/ 1371/ 630/ 4753

Min temp 57

Ave temp 81

Conditions: clear to partly cloudy; winds light becoming strong (20-30 mph) tail to crossing tail wind

Notes: The ride started normal with little wind and generally good roads. We had a covey of quail cross the road in front of us and when I took a natural break you could hear them calling. After the first SAG things got rougher. 3 miles on I 10 and the off to a frontal road that was somewhat rough chip seal. Then a long slog climb began, but once the climb was over it was generally downhill with that strong tail wind.

The wind was so strong that it made camping so what impossible so they put us up in a motel. Motel rooms were hard to find as Blue Origin was scheduled for a launch down the road. (it was postponed because of the winds) The winds also made dinner difficult as we had no indoor seating. Tomorrow will be another day of wind. This time mostly crossing tail.

Last nights camp site
SAG #1 at a funky truck stop
Halfway point north
Halfway point south
Talc mine/plant

tonight's motel 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Day 18 C2C 2022 El Paso to Ft. Hancock

Mar 18, 2022

Day # 18 

El Paso to Ft. Hancock

Day 18 2022

El Paso to Ft. Hancock

61.20 miles total miles 943.62

Time 4:21/ 6:17

Ave speed 14,0

Max speed 27.8

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 692/ 764/ -72/ 4010

Min temp 55

Ave temp 81

Conditions: partly cloudy with light winds. Road conditions were good

to very good. most of El Paso had good bike lanes

Notes:This ride was predominately on one highway; about 45+ miles

were on TX #20. Most of ride the conditions were pleasant, but

once in camp the temperature became hot.

Back lot of the overnight hotel before this morning's departure
Panoramic view of El Paso
pigeons in the parking lot of the first SAG
Halfway point today
the other halfway view
bike line up outside SAG #2
pecan grove

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Day 17 C2C 2022 Columbus to El Paso

Mar 17, 2022 

Day # 17 

Columbus to El Paso

Day 17 2022

Columbus to El Paso

73.52  miles total miles 882.42

Time 5:10/ 6:51

Ave speed 14.2    

Max speed 26.2

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 774/ 965/ -191/ 4220

Min temp 43

Ave temp 78

Conditions: Clear and cool at the start becoming warm with light variable winds

Notes: The day started fairly normal. After a 3 block ride to NM #9 Hyw we spent the next 60 miles on #9 before entering "metro" El Paso. There were a lot of goat head flats in the group today (including Lynn). I was spared these flats because I am running tubeless tires (my opinion). It was nice having Lynn ride with me most of the day. She did extremely well (until her flat with ~4 miles to go.

the overnight school stop
one big ass over sized load coming at me
Followed by a second big ass load 
Half way point looking north
and looking south
A SAG stop

how many supervisors does it take to repair a flat.