Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Day 6 C2C 2022 Yuma to Dateland

Mar 16, 2022

  Day 6 

Yuma to Dateland

Day 6 2022

Yuma to Dateland

68.2 miles total miles 308.2 lost a 2-3 mile due to bike computer screw up

Time moving 4:20/ Elapse 6:52

Ave speed 15.7

Max speed 25.2

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 886/ 607 207/ 593

Ave temp 86

Conditions: Dry; Clear, warm becoming hot, with a strong tail wind

tree of shoes

the long highway
lettuce field 

missile tank
sag #1

Eric's dream junk yard


moon over camp ground

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