Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Day 5 C2C 2022 Calexico to Yuma

Mar 15, 2022 

Day 5  

Calexico to Yuma

Day x 2022

Calexico to Yuma

65.79 miles total miles 240.01

Time moving 4:56 / Elapse 7:49

Ave speed 13.3

Max speed 25.9

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 994 653/ 341/345

Ave temp 86

Conditions: Dry; warm to hot

The day started warm and became hot rapidly. The first third of the ride the roads were great. the secon third the roads SHIT and the last third the road were good.  We were not allow into the over night gym until 4 pm so time was not wasted at a bar in downtown Yuma. Once at the over night spot the accommodations were very good.

Shitty road near the "Center of the World"
Better view of the shitty road
The bridge between California and Arizona 

Downtown Yuma
The Pamper zone at the end of the days ride 

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