Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Day 12 C2C 2022 Tucson to Tombstone

Mar 22, 2022

 Day 12  

Tucson to Tombstone

Day 12 2022

Tucson to Tombstone

76.24 miles total miles 609.27

Time 6:01/ 8:26

Ave speed 12.6

Max speed 37.0

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 3917/ 2277/ 1640/ 5115

Min temp 48

Ave temp 71

Max temp 84

Conditions: Clear and chilly to start; becoming cool and windy

Notes: The first half of the ride was a long slog up hill going mostly south. Then a left turn to the east with often a crossing tail wind and mostly down hill at a 1-2-3% grade. We went from the Tucson desert to the high desert. Then the last turn south heading into town with another slog of a 2-4% hill for 3-4 miles. Tonight camp is in a Good Old Boy RV park in "downtown" Tombstone.

The long road in the high desert heading east
Sculpture at the last SAG stop
The last SAG
I don't know what this is, but it was BIG
Crappy bike on an old crappy fire truck at the RV park

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