Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Day 19 C2C 2022 Ft. Hancock to Van Horn

 Mar 19, 2022

Day #  19

Ft. Hancock to Van Horn

Day 19 2022

Ft. Hancock to Van Horn

72.92 miles total miles 1016.54

Time 4:44/ 6:25

Ave speed 15.3

Max speed 37.7

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max 2991/ 1371/ 630/ 4753

Min temp 57

Ave temp 81

Conditions: clear to partly cloudy; winds light becoming strong (20-30 mph) tail to crossing tail wind

Notes: The ride started normal with little wind and generally good roads. We had a covey of quail cross the road in front of us and when I took a natural break you could hear them calling. After the first SAG things got rougher. 3 miles on I 10 and the off to a frontal road that was somewhat rough chip seal. Then a long slog climb began, but once the climb was over it was generally downhill with that strong tail wind.

The wind was so strong that it made camping so what impossible so they put us up in a motel. Motel rooms were hard to find as Blue Origin was scheduled for a launch down the road. (it was postponed because of the winds) The winds also made dinner difficult as we had no indoor seating. Tomorrow will be another day of wind. This time mostly crossing tail.

Last nights camp site
SAG #1 at a funky truck stop
Halfway point north
Halfway point south
Talc mine/plant

tonight's motel 

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