Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Day 20 C2C 2022 Van Horn to Marfa

Mar 30, 2022

Day # 20  Ride canceled do to high winds

Van Horn to Marfa

Day 20 2022. Ride canceled do to high winds

Van Horn to Marfa

xx miles total miles yy

Time xx

Ave speed xx

Max speed xx

Elevation gained/ lost/net/max xx/ yy/ zz/ aa

Min temp xx

Ave temp xx

Max temp xx

Conditions: Strong cross winds!!!!



Boarder Patrol Balloon
Sculpture outside Alpine, Tx Hospital----long story 
Sculptures near overnight site in Marfa
more Marfa art
more Marfa art
Karmann Ghias in Marfa
Classic hotel in Marfa
Courthouse in Marfa
Riders dancing in the overnight site

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