Wednesday, August 14, 2024

ALCAN Day 40 Hyder, AK

 August 14, 2024  333 km/207 miles

We met and interesting couple from Oregon at our last campsite at Morchuea Lk and their black Lab. We tried to get Zac to swim by chasing the lab into the lake while it was retrieving a buoy thrown by its owner with marginal success. These BC Rec sites are very nice but the roads within them are marginal at best (glad we have a 4 wheel drive truck). Then it was on to one of our more interesting side trips to Hyder, AK. You have to drive to Steward, BC and then cross the border. These two towns share a fjord. On the US side you can then go a short drive to Fish Creek Viewing site and watch bear(s) catch and eat salmon.  Tonight and tomorrow we are staying at what was formerly know as Camp Run A Muck RV park our second hillbilly RV park, but we like it.

Lake Morchuea

Glacier along the drive
Grizzly bear in the creek

Bear with fish

Salmon in the creek

more of the bear

bear seen through all the people watching it

Gulls eating dead salmon

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